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Author Archives: Helen Rashad

Don’t miss our Arts in the Dark Parade!

Our free QiXi-themed Arts in the Dark parade is just days away. With lion dancers, a flock of giant magpie lanterns, the Flying Fairies dance troupe, shining 3-D chinese characters, a River taxi escort, landscape-inspired lanterns, elegant silk globes – our event will light up the Riverwalk! August 14, 8:30PM “The Jetty” on the Chicago […]

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Celebrate Qixi at Arts in the Dark

 Join us on August 14 to celebrate “Chinese Valentine’s Day” with Arts in the Dark. The free family-friendly lantern procession along the Chicago river will be led by Chinese Fine Arts performers. Attend one of our lantern making workshops (details to be posted soon!), bring your own, or simply turn up and enjoy the spectacle. […]

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