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The Festival Takes Place on May 18th at Roosevelt University CCPA! 

For over 35 years, the Chinese Fine Arts Society’s annual Music Festival in Honor of Confucius (MFHC) has introduced young musicians to the rich heritage of Chinese culture through music. Alumni of this program have gone on to attend some of the country’s best music conservatories, and many have even developed highly successful professional music careers.

The goal of MFHC is to introduce young musicians to the sounds and colors of Chinese music (both contemporary and traditional), and provide young musicians with the experience of competing in a nurturing environment, receiving constructive feedback from seasoned musicians and music educators.

The Competition consists of 4 divisions:

Each division has specific age and repertoire requirements, and winners in each division receive scholarships and the chance to perform at a Winners Concert and also throughout the year as representatives of the Chinese Fine Arts Society.

All participants receive a certificate of participation, and earn huang zhong points based on their performance score. Learn more about “huang zhong points.”

In order to provide applicants with the best possible experience, the Music Festival will now include a preliminary video audition round, followed by a live finalists round. For more information regarding video application requirements, please visit the General Rules and deadlines page.

Please note – at this time we are still determining the date and location for the Music Festival, however, registration is open.