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Music Festival in Honor of Confucius Scholarship

MFHC 2014 Winners Concert


The need based scholarship is aimed to assist students who might have financially difficultly to participate in the Music Festival in Honor of Confucius. Scholarship awards can range from 20-90% of the application fee.

The 2023 scholarship application deadline will be announced soon. 



Need-based Financial Assistance Application

  • Teacher Information

    CFAS may contact your private teacher for a recommendation when being considered for this scholarship
  • Student Application

    The following questions should be answered by the student applicant, although we understand that younger children will need assistance with this process.
  • Parent/Guardian Input

    The following questions should be answered by a parent/guardian:
  • This field is for grant reporting purposes only and will NOT be taken into account when considering your application.
  • Supporting Materials

    You may send any additional files you wish to support your application to [email protected]. Please be sure to include the student's name (Last name, First name) in the subject line of the email. Example: Doe, Jane Financial Assistance Application